I know its from last year but i really don't care this is a fun video and i believe there should always be more Sebastians especially more from Tellier. Thank you Melon
With dance party pals, Hunk The Drunk, Christian Flores, Brock To The Future & Hunter-Even Bands on 1030pm-12am $5 Cover $3.50 Granville Island draft beers and $7 doubles http://nomorestrangers.ca
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
New hits from our friends the Acid Girls. This time a Video for their Single The Numbers song. Disappointing though.... I'm yet to see any Vancouver Date.....s JAmie, Greg. What is going on? Well here is the latest from the Acid Girls. Love it! DownLoad the Numbers Song
Here is a real "Hometown Hero" coming back to End Olio Fest. Go check out the sounds of Vancouver's Paul Devro. Paul has been roling around North America djing tons of show, many in L.A. and even some with our good pals the Acid Girls. so hats off because Vancouver Is Awsome. ( Check out that blog by the way some fun stuff ... back alley treasures) See you all there tonight. Remember Don't Pay Cover ... Call a Friend. Enjoy some Tunes from Paul Devro, Stream Or Download.
22 year old Nathan Daniel William of San Diego. Best know as Wavves or the "sound of today's American youth". -http://forcefieldpr.com Mickey Mouse (Download) Keep an Eye Out For the 2nd LP "WAVVVES"
After coming across and recording the second rendition of this track off the Crookers mix tape on WEMAKEITGOOD.COM, I decided it was time to start seriously looking through the old hard drive for the Original Version Of Digitalism Rapture. Enjoy and dont forget to check back later this week for 2 part live recording of strictly Digitalism Remixes. Revel in the Rapture "Kiddos"
The Decision to get involved in the act Gang Violence is last minute or fleeting. Prominent, but fleeting where it acts to taunt to listener to become part of the crush. After seeing them at the Astoria's Confederation celebrations this Canada Day, along with the Reflektionss and MT-40 (Empty 40) I had to find some of their recordings with only a MySpace Player to be found. So Check them out here and take them with you.
music video #1 by Joel Kefali. a side project featuring members from Cut off your Hands (Shaky Hands), Nova Echo, Robot Cub, the Debutantes, Bear Cat, Kingston, Every Man for Himself and Scaredy Cat
I was just cruising around on Flou kids a Paris based music blog when I came across this song by Baby Monster. Take a peek Kiddies. Flou kids has tons of new material posted every week including , your favorite, some little golden music nuggets. Its a little off center and gives you a chance to practice some of your french for all of you cultured folk in this city. So give it a click here or here , the bottom of this junk or on the blog roll. More goodies to come.
During my stay in Berlin I was fortunate enough to inherit an endless playlist from Jamie (left) and Greg (right). My brother had befriended and photographed them the summer before my stay and were regular by the time I had hit town. I remember hanging out with the usual suspects drinking beers on their last night before their return to LA from a 5 month stay. After seeing them play at both Villa and Tape, spending many an evening with the two and learning what I could about the craft, as a parting gift they let me copy their Mac Book's Hard Drive. Both of them said they had downloaded the vast majority of it, and as for the originals free publicity couldn't hurt either. Anyways after searching through it for sometime I came across this Interview and I'd like to share it with you.
Her charming Swedish accent sets her apart. Definitely an act I'd be please to see back in Vancouver. Sealed with a Kiss Should be all over that like a fat kid on a Smarty.